Personal Status

Personal Status

Our lawyers have extensive expertise in various matrimonial matters both contentious and non-contentious. We have handled a wide range of cases which range from divorce, child custody, alimony and others. We provide full representation in all family matters for both Muslims and Non-Muslims residing in the UAE. We understand that each case is unique in nature and our lawyers are trained to give their utmost care and personal attention to our clients.

Our clients’ trust in our personal status lawyers is our most valuable tenet. Hence, in addition to providing our best efforts to secure the interests of our clients, we ensure that all matters are kept strictly confidential.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a Personal Status Lawyer do?

A personal status lawyer deals with a wide range of personal status matters; including individual, family and marital relationships. In the UAE, the personal status courts govern procedures of wills, separation, divorce, guardianship and inheritance for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Marital Separation & Divorce

Marital affairs can be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on the religion of the spouses, place of marriage and circumstances of each of spouse at the time of separation or divorce. With marital affairs, the laws applicable to Sharia compliant marriages are different to those applicable to non-Sharia marriages. Whereas marriages between Muslims are governed under Sharia principles, a non-Muslim couple may opt to request the UAE courts to apply the laws of their home country or the country where their marriage agreement was signed.

Our team is aware of the applicable laws and procedures for both Muslim and non-Muslim separations. Our personal status services include:

Drafting an enforceable settlement agreement between the parties. The agreement will address all pertinent issues including child support, spousal rights, visitation and custody.
Filing separation procedures with the personal status courts i.e requesting allowance and custodial rights without the issuance of a divorce order.
Filing divorce procedures and enforcing the orders issued in the UAE
Enforcing divorce orders issued outside the UAE against parties residing in the UAE.
Filing and following up with criminal complaints for domestic violence.

Wills & Inheritance

The application of inheritance laws by UAE courts is a matter which concerns both citizens and expatriates who have assets in the country. The laws applicable to non-Muslims allow them to have wills that do not apply Sharia principles.

The implication is that such wills may be used to specify wishes such as appointment of a guardian for children, distribution of assets, contributions to charitable causes, and funeral arrangements. In addition, the enforcement of wills in personal status courts requires experience as it may involve more than one governmental entity to finalize the transfer of assets to the successors. Our services in this regard include:

Drafting enforceable wills for Muslims and Non-Muslims
Opening a succession file in court and transferring ownership of assets to the successors.